Long-distance Test
“The inspection of the hybrid wheels within the scope of the operational test on vehicle no. 694 of the U5 series did not reveal any abnormalities after a total mileage of 147,874 km and a period of use of just under 19 months. The wheels were in perfect technical condition. This statement refers to both the inspection of the wheels installed on the vehicle and the extensive examinations within the scope of the additional test dismantling of 4 wheels of a motor bogie. Based on the available results, it is expected that after the end of the two-year test phase (unfortunately with a time delay due to Corona), it will be possible to determine that the usual maintenance and servicing intervals of conventional rubber-sprung wheels can also be applied to the hybrid wheels”.
This should remove any reason, even for the most sceptical, why 30% weight savings and the associated energy savings, wear reduction and comfort gains should be foregone.
The complete report can be requested from Ralph Fischer
Read also a recent interview from bahn manager with our CTO Dr. Hucklenbroich. (Issue Bahn Manager 5/21)